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Welcome to Amaday Group, we guarantee best quality and great prices

Amaday Food - wholesale supplier of quality, healthy and trust products from EU producers. Thanks to our partners we can offer our customers only quality products at a great price. Our production facilities processing fish, poultry and meat are based in Baltic States and Denmark providing food products with the best quality and according to the highest European Union & UK standards.

Our business is export and import of food products in/to Europe and CIS. We are one of the distributors of frozen and chilled food products for the wholesale, food processing and food service sectors. Our logistics and distribution centres located in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Denmark. We mainly offer under our products Atlantic Salmon (salmo salar), Trout, Cod and Greenland Halibut as well as organic salmon fillet frozen or smoked.

New Products February

Battered squid rings 1kg
Battered squid rings 1kg...

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Dough Spring roll 250x250 30x550g
Dough Spring roll 250x2...

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Butterfish fillet 2-4kg skinless 20kg
Butterfish fillet 2-4kg ...

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Saithe fillet skinless 400-800g 6kgx4
Saithe fillet skinless 40...

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Salmon Fillet Trim C 1.6-2.2kg vacuum frozen
Salmon Fillet Trim C 1.6-...

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Specials February

Duck breast fillet 220-280g frozen Vac x2

Duck breast fillet 220-280g frozen Vac x2
Duck breast fillet 220-28...

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Soft cream cheese BayernLand 1.5kg 26%

Soft cream cheese BayernLand 1.5kg 26%
Spreadable curd cream che...

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